Notas rápidas
Capturas de pantalla

Un tributo a la inmortalidad

En la Prueba del Gran Cruzado, consigue un cofre de tributo con 50 intentos restantes sin que muera ningún jugador en los encuentros contra los jefes en el modo de 25 jugadores.



Caballo de guerra negro de cruzado

Usted recibirá esta carta-4079 del Alto señor Tirion Vadín

A Tribute to Immortality
Dear <nombre>,

Tales of your recent performance in the Trial of the Grand Crusader will be told,and retold,for ages to come. As the Argent Crusade issued its call for the greatest champions of Azeroth to test their mettle in the crucible of the Coliseum,I hoped against hope that beacons of light such as you and your companions might emerge from the fray.

We will need you direly in the coming battle against the Lich King. But on this day,rejoice and celebrate your glorious accomplishment and accept this gift of one of our very finest warhorses. When the Scourge see its banner looming on the horizon,hero,their end shall be nigh!

Yours with Honor,
Tirion Fordring
Este logro será convertido a Un tributo a la inmortalidad si lo transfieres a la Alianza.

Información relacionada
